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Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of under standing and optimizing web usage.

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Email marketing is directly sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email.

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SEO stands for ��search engine optimization.�� It is the process of getting traffic from the ��free,�� ��organic,�� ��editorial�� or ��natural�� search results on search engines.

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Web Analytics

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of under standing and optimizing web usage.

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Keywords are the search terms that people into search engines. Your rankings are based on the relevance of your page to those keywords.

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As a creative professional, you'll know only too well how important inspiration is for your work. That's whether you've just made a cup.

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Email marketing is directly sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email.

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Content is king. You��ll hear that phrase over and over again when it comes SEO success. Get your content right, and you��ve created.

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